Registration certificate PI № FS 77-21756 dated 30 august 2005
Theoretical journal
2020, Vol. 17, № 4
Founded in 2005
Gets out four times per year
UDC 58.006
Chukuridi S. S.
Dr. Biol. Sciences, prof., Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar
Lavrinenko A. V.
Cand. biol. Sciences, Director of the Botanical Garden. I. S. Kosenko KubSAU, Russia, Krasnodar
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The article is dedicated to a wonderful specialist in the field of landscape design, or – as they used to say - a gardener, Irina Aleksandrovna Umantseva, who brought the idea of I. S. Kosenko to life by creating a wonderful park of trees: the arboretum of the Kuban Agricultural Institute. A few years after it was laid on the outskirts of the city of Krasnodar in 1959 (just 4 years after the end of the devastating World War II!) VDNKh in Moscow. Being Leningrad by birth and place of study, I. A. Umantseva linked her life with the Kuban, donating wonderful monuments of gardening art not only to Krasnodar, but also to many villages of the region. The article describes a brief history of the creation of the botanical garden of the Kuban State University (formerly KSKHI), the peculiarities of its design and the collection of institutes, and also pays tribute to the primary team of employees and laboratory assistants of the Botanical Garden, as well as to the staff of the Department of Botany of the Kuban Agricultural Institute. In connection with the change in the status of the botanical garden, information is provided on its current state, reconstruction of old and creation of new collections of ornamental plants.
Key words: I. A. Umantseva, arboretum of KSKHI, introduction, landscape design, botanical garden of KubSAU.
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UDC 574.583:556.5
Tairbergenov Y. A.
senior lecturer of the Department of forest resources and forestry, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan,
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Obezinskaya E.V.
candidate of agricultural Sciences,senior lecturer of the Department of forest resources and forestry,S.SeifullinKazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan,
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Ospangaliyev A. S.
master of agricultural sciences, Deputy Dean "Forestry, Wildlife and the Environment" ESPC "Saryarka", S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan,
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Oserkhan B.
master of agricultural sciences,senior lecturer of the Department of forest resources and forestry, S. SeifullinKazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan,
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The Karatau reserve is the newest state reserve, created with the aim of preserving and studying in a natural state and the development of natural processes, typical and unique ecological systems, biological diversity and the genetic fund of flora and fauna. The reserve is located in the central part of the Karatau mountain range, in the South Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is one of the branches of the northwestern Tien Shan. The area of the reserve is 34,300 hectares, of which 17,900 hectares belong to a specially protected area. On all sides, the protected area is surrounded by deserts – Kuzylkum, Moyinkum and Hungry Steppe or Betpak-Dala. The article provides recommendations for improving the management efficiency of protected areas: theKaratauSNR according to the METT method for 2021.
Key words: reserve, ecosystem, monitoring, management efficiency of reserves, genetic fund, flora and fauna.
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UDC 674.047
Chemodanov A. N.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Woodworking Industries, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga State University of Technology", Institute of Forest and Nature Management, Russia, Mari El Republic, city of Yoshkar-Ola,
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Kochetov A. E.
PhD student of the Department of Woodworking Industries, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga State University of Technology", Institute of Forest and Nature Management, Russia, Mari El Republic, city of Yoshkar-Ola,
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Thе paper under discussion the problem of compliance of modern plywood production in the country with environmental requirements. Particular attention is paid to the problem of heat treatment of timber before peeling on veneer. The material presented offers a physical model of a microwave device obtained using the theory of similarity.
Key words: plywood production, wood heat treatment, wood microwave heating, physical modeling, similarity theory.
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UDC 631.550.7:51.581.143
Griguletsky V. G.
doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of higher mathematics, Russia, Krasnodar,
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Shiryaev O. V.
Head of Fertilizers Division, EuroChem Group, Russia, Moscow
Ivakin R. A.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Phosphogypsum Processing and Application Project, EuroChem MCC, Russia, Moscow
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A new method for assessing the efficiency of using phosphogypsum in agriculture has been developed. The methodology is based on the general properties of plant growth curves established in field and vegetation experiments on crops of cereals, potatoes, and other crops, as well as the dependences obtained in the study of soil moisture during alkaline soils cleavage, etc. In the mathematical model, it is assumed that the yield (
Y) and its addition increase with an increase in the amount of growth factor (
X), are proportional to the amount of the yield (
A – Y), which does not reach the maximum limit value (
A) and the possible value yield (
B + Y), above some minimum initial value (
B) yield. The article contains general formulas that allow finding the value of the “coefficient of action of the growth factor”. Examples of finding the “coefficient of action of a growth factor” when using phosphogypsum on potato crops and calculating the effectiveness of using phosphogypsum in alkaline soils are considered.
Key words: phosphogypsum, yield, growth curves, maximum possible yield, soil moisture, factor action factor, “initial” value of the yield, differential equation, initial conditions, particular solution, general solution.
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UDC: 581.132.633.11
Gulov M. K.
PhD. Biological science, TMU by name Abu ali ibn Sino, docent department of biochemistry, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 139, Rudaki, avenue
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Partoev K.
doctor of agriculture science, head of genetics and breeding of the Institute of Botany, Plants Physiology and Genetics of National Academies of Sciences of the f Tajikistan,
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, Republic of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 27, Karamova str
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The article presents the results of studying the impact of leaf removal on morphological and economically valuable characteristics of various potato varieties in the hot climate of the Khuroson district of Tajikistan. It is shown that when removing leaves in the phase of mass flowering, there are significant changes in such morphological characteristics as the mass of stems, leaves, roots; the number of leaves, as well as a profound change in such economically useful characteristics of potato varieties as the number of tubers, the mass of tubers, the total biomass and the ratio of the yield of tubers to the total biomass. It was found that when removing leaves, an average decrease in the mass of stems is observed from 1.3 to 1.7 times; the mass of roots from 4.3 to 20.4 times; the mass of stems – 2.1 times; the number of leaves – 10.4 times; the mass of leaves – 14.5 times and the mass of the bark – 5.4 times compared with the control. In addition, when the leaves are removed, the number of tubers in different varieties decreases by an average of 2.3 times, the mass of tubers in varieties AN-1, Mukhabbat and Tajikistan from 3.1 to 4.3 times, and in varieties Nilufar, Rasht and Faizabad, the reduction rate is from 1.6 to 2.1 times. On average, this indicator decreases by 2.2 times in all varieties. In general, when the leaves are removed, there is a significant decrease in the yield of the varieties Fai-zabad, Mukhabbat, AN-1, Tajikistan from 2.1 to 4.3 times , or from 52.22 to 76.92 %, and in the varieties Nilufar and Rasht it is from 1.6 to 1.9 times, or from 37.5 to 46.67 %. On average, this indicator decreases in all potato varieties by 2.2 times, or by 54.2 %. However, when removing leaves, there is an increase in the ratio of the economic yield to the total biomass in all varieties by an average of 1.25 times, or by 19.7 %, compared with the control. This indicates a change in the structure of the total biomass of plants under the influence of leaf removal in experimental versions and can serve as a forecast of a decrease in potato yield under unfavorable weather conditions in a hot climate.
Key words: potato, variety, morphological sings, economy useful signs, removal of leaves, weight, hot climate, yield forecast, Tajikistan.
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UDC 633.13:631.52
Nafikov M. M.
doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Innovation Management, Kazan Federal University, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Nigmatzyanov A. R.
candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Management and Information Systems, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Smirnov S. G.
candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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The main task of agronomists is to obtain stable highly productive harvests, which depends not only on the potential yield of the crop variety, but also on specific climatic conditions and weather fluctuations. Therefore, the problem of developing adaptive technology is always relevant, taking into account regional climate features, especially in unfavorable environmental conditions.The article presents the results of three-year studies of sugar sorghum in the arid conditions of the Western Zakamye. High contamination was observed on sorghum crops of the first term (May 10). At the same time, the doses of applied fertilizers significantly increased the clogging, if on a non-fertilized background in the full shoots phase their number was 58 pcs/m2, then on the background of N
60 their number was 69 pcs/m2, and on the background of N
80 76 pcs/m2. The above pattern was preserved throughout the entire growing season of agrophytocenosis. The timing of sowing and the backgrounds of mineral nutrition influenced both the duration of the growing season and the formation of the crop: N
60 the duration of the growing season averaged 113 days over three years, which is 9 days more than the control. The mineral background variant up to N
80 increased the growing season by 15 days compared to the non-fertilized version of the experiment. The creation of a background of mineral nutrition N
60 in the second period of sorghum sowing allowed to obtain an increase in the yield of feed weight from 6.6 to 8.0 t / ha. The application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N
80 provided an increase in yield from 10.8 to 15.4 t / ha.
Key words: adaptive technology, drought resistance, fertilizers, sorghum, yield, weed infestans, polyspecific crops.
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UDC 579.695; 546.85; 502.55; 661.63
Mindubaev А. Z.
candidate of Chemical Sciences, Institute of Energy and Advanced Technologies of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Romanova V. A.
junior Researcher, Interdisciplinary Center for Proteomic Research at IFMIB KFU. Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Babaev V. M.
candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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In earlier works, we have already investigated the resistance of microorganisms to white phosphorus (P4), as well as the biodegradation of this dangerous pollutant. Our studies have resulted in providing solid evidence on the biodegradation of P4. Of greatest interest are the strains
Aspergillus niger AM1 and AM2, which are effective destructors of both elemental phosphorus and several toxicreduced compounds of this element. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of resistance of the fungus to such toxic substances have not been fully established. There could be several such mechanisms involved. In previous articles, we identified the various morphological changes that occur inthe strains
A. niger AM1 and AM2, following their interaction with P4. These include a significant thickening of cell walls, as well as an augmented number and size of mitochondria. At the same time, very significant differences were found in the AM2 strain. They are of interest not only from a practical point of view but also as fundamental evolutionary changes associated with the growing adaptability of a microorganism to extreme conditions. However, in addition to those already described earlier, other adaptive mechanisms acting on the scale of molecules are possible. They are associated with the expression of stress genes and the production of proteins by the fungus involved in the detoxification of toxicants, such as white phosphorus. To identify them, proteomic studies were carried out. They provided the first, confirmation of the anticipated resistance mechanisms since they revealed significant differences in the protein profile in the absence and the presence of white phosphorus. The MALDI method showed the biosynthesis of new enzymes that possibly take part in the detoxification of white phosphorus.
Key words: biodegradation, white phosphorus, proteomic analysis, two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, Aspergillus niger.
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UDC 628.316
Popova S. A.
Cand. Biol. Sci., Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Laboratory of Engineering Ecology, Russia, Republic of Buryatia,Ulan-Ude,
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Matafonova G. G.
Dr. Chem. Sci., Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Laboratory of Engineering Ecology, Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude,
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Batoev V. B.
Dr. Biol. Sci., Prof., Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Laboratory of Engineering Ecology, Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude,
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Contamination of aquatic ecosystem with hazardous endocrine disrupting compounds (herbicides, bisphenols) represents a contemporary environmental problem. Development of modern environmentally-safe methods of efficient water purification from such contaminants is required. In present work, a kinetics of destruction of S-triazine herbicide (ATZ) and a plastic curing agent bisphenol A (BPA) (disruptors of human endocrine system) in water was investigated under a joint exposure to UV light-emitting diodes (365 nm) and high-frequency ultrasound (880 kHz) in the presence of environmentally friendly oxidant potassium persulfate. Under these experimental conditions the contaminants were degraded by ≥90% after 40 min irradiation. BPA destruction in this oxidation system was also accompanied with a synergistic effect. The obtained results show that the proposed method is promising for application in the environmental technology of water purification.
Key words: water purification, atrazine, bisphenol A, UV light-emitting diodes, ultrasound, persulfate.
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UDC 628.31
Kocharyan A. N.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, State Engineering University of Armenia, Armenia, Yerevan,
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Galoyan A. M.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, State Engineering University of Armenia, Armenia, Yerevan
Torosyan G. H.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, State Engineering University of Armenia, Armenia, Yerevan,
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Of the anthropogenic factors of pollution of the hydrosphere, pesticides, including FOP malathion, occupy a significant place. The presented work is part of the research carried out at the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of SEUA, to study the properties of the organophosphate pesticide malathion, which is widespread in various industries, which can accumulate in water and decompose with the formation of even more toxic maloxone. The article proposes an electrochemical method for removing this pesticide from the hydrosphere. This method is promising due to environmental safety and economic efficiency. The best results are obtained from the decomposition of malathion during electrolysis on graphite anodes in sodium chloride.
Key words: organophosphorus pesticides, malathion, malаoxone, electrochemical method.
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UDC 577.47: 546.49. 575.2
Imatali kyzy K.
Candidate of Biological sciences, Osh State University, Kyrgyz Republic, Osh city, Ak-Bura Campus, Yugo Vostok,
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Mercury and its compounds are among the most toxic substances. The danger of mercury is also associated with the high hydrophilicity of compounds, which leads to its accumulation in water, silts, soil, plants. In the province of Aydarken, there is a mercury plant and a quarry for the extraction of mercury ore, therefore, constant monitoring of the mercury content in the environment is carried out. The content of mercury and a number of accompanying elements in ground water from 5 areas of the Aidarken mercury province was investigated. The mercury content in running water flowing out of the mine is slightly higher than the MPC or at its level. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of water from mine No. 47 by the seasons has been carried out. Studies have shown that the content of mercury in the samples studied is significantly lower than in technogenic areas.
Key words: mercury, maximum permissible concentration, water, metallurgical plant.
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UDC 628.35
Grib A. A.
Educational institution "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova str. 34,
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Novikova O. K
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department "Water Supply, Chemistry and Ecology" Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova str. 34,
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The article analyzes the main reasons for the deterioration of biological treatment facilities. The influence of load fluctuations on organic pollutants on the structure of activated sludge and changes in its species composition has been established. The assessment of the species composition of activated sludge is given and the main factors affecting the process of “swelling” of activated sludge are considered. The main methods of maintaining optimal loads on activated sludge for satisfactory operation of biological purification are considered.
Key words: active sludge, bacteria, growth, load.
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UDC 628.35
Torosyan E. G.
Master in Environmental Management and Law, Specialist in External and Environmental Relations of Eurasia BO, Armenia,
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Aleksanyan H. H.
correspondence postgraduate student of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of the NPUA, Senior Expert of the Experimental Center of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia, Armenia,
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Torosyan N. S.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Yerevan Institute of the CSTO, Chairman of the Eurasia BO, Associate Professor in Environmental Economics of the Financial Academy, Armenia,
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Torosyan G. H.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA). Armenia,
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Here is presented the results of studies on the treatment of water drains and pools from organic pollutants carried out at the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia. The aim of this research is to find simple and economical methods for the treatment of water drains and pools. As such, an adsorptive method for purifying water from impurities has been proposed, with the justification that sorption methods are most promising for technical water recovery. Natural zeolites of Armenia – mordenite and clinoptilolite – were studied as adsorbents, thereby ensuring the most economical efficiency of the proposed method. It considers the possibility of using natural zeolites as sorbents for cleaning the hydrosphere from organic pollutants – from oil products, dyes, pesticides, medicines. The adsorption of phenol, aniline, nitrobenzene as the main components of the above substances, as well as the common pesticide malathion, was studied as model molecules. The efficiency of the adsorption method of water purification from dissolved organic substances using acid-treated natural zeolites has been proven. A refractometric analysis method is proposed for the determination of individual organic substances in an aqueous medium before and after the adsorption process. The possibility of using refractometric analysis in studying the adsorption process in both aqueous and organic solvents is shown. At present, the study of the method for a mixture of the studied organic molecules dissolved in water is continuing with the aim of using it in the field. The main goal of this research is to find economical and simple, readily available and multifunctional adsorbents for cleaning the water basin of Lake Sevan from organic, bioorganic and inorganic impurities.
Key words: Water drains and basins, organic pollutants, treatment, adsorption, zeolites, mordenite, clinoptilolite, acid-treated zeolites, refracometric analysis.
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UDC 502:338.24
Efimova N. B.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, Volgograd
Ulanova I. A.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, Volgograd
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The article deals with topical issues of the introduction of a system of industrial environmental control into the company's activities. According to the data of the existing enterprise of nature management, the Program of the IEC was analyzed for compliance with the current environmental legislation, and appropriate conclusions were made. Industrial environmental control as a function of state environmental management is not only mandatory, but also stimulating in order to encourage economic structures to comply with state environmental requirements, on the one hand, reducing the risk of unjustified economic expenses of a compensatory nature, on the other hand.
Key words: environmental control, IEC program, inventory, emissions of pollutants, production and consumption waste, environmental legislation.
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UDC 628.47
Efimova N. B.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, Volgograd
Ulanova I. A.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, Volgograd
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The sustainable development of the Russian Federation is associated with the development of a circular economy, the main principles of which are a closed production cycle with minimal output to the external environment of production and consumption waste. In this regard, the problem of finding effective solutions in the field of waste management of production and consumption is the most urgent. The circular economy model is based on the development and analysis of the material balance of input and output resource flows for the implementation of production processes. The article discusses issues related to the use of such waste from the production of livestock complex as methane gas. The growing interest in renewable energy sources marked the beginning of the use of biogas as an energy–generating material.
Key words: legal regulation in the field of waste management, agriculture, animal husbandry waste, pig breeding complex, methane gas.
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UDC 631.6
Osipenko D. A.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Sector GMVO and GWR (state monitoring of water bodies and the state water register), Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "RosNIIPM" (FGB NU "Russian Research Institute of Melioration Problems"), Russia, Novocherkassk,
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The purpose of the research was to develop proposals and develop organizational and economic measures aimed at the optimal use of water resources on hydro-reclamation systems in conditions of climate warming. A number of organizational and economic measures have been proposed to save water resources, reduce unproductive losses of irrigation water, and obtain high and stable yields of agricultural crops.
Key words: climate warming, water resources, hydro-irrigation systems, a set of measures, water supply network.
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UDC 504.05 (470.620)
Grineva N. N.
student, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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Melnik O. A
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of higher attestation commission, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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The results of the assessment of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of LLC « Nestle Kuban» in Timashevsk and the description of the vegetation cover in the research area are noted in the article. The dimensions of the actual sanitary protection zone, which are compared with the calculated dimensions of the SPZ revised by the wind rose, are presented. Non-observance of the sanitary protection zone in the directions of the prevailing winds in the area where the enterprise is located was noted. Since the enterprise is located in the industrial zone of the city, it is not possible to assess exclusively its impact on the adjacent territory. The results of the description of the vegetation cover in the study area showed that the landscaping of the SPZ corresponds to Sanitary Regulations and Norms (SanR and N) 2.2.1 / (60 %). A significant area occupied by lawns contributes to the absorption of sulfur dioxide, ammonia and nitrogen oxide 3–4 times more than woody plants. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the state of the surrounding natural environment of the adjacent territory.
Key words: LLC «Nestlе Kuban», production activities, sanitary protection zone, actual and calculated SPZ, landscaping, tree species, vegetation cover.
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UDC 504.054 (470.620)
Suzin M. K.
student, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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Nikiforenko Yu. Yu.
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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The article considers the situation of excess concentrations of pollutants entering the atmospheric air from a food industry enterprise, on the balance of which vehicles are listed in large numbers. By visual observations based on the study of existing project documentation, as well as by using the method of determining the degree of dustiness of the air with the help of birch leaves, an assessment of the enterprise was given on the fact of emissions of pollutants. Excess concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air were recorded, and recommendations for regulating emissions were given.
Key words: air pollution, food industry, cannery, emissions regulation.
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Belobrov V. P.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, V. V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, FANO, Russia, Moscow,
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Belyuchenko I. S.
Doctor of Biology, Professor, Kuban State University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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