Scope of the Paper
Review papers or theoretical summaries can contain up to 20 typewritten pages (30 lines per page), including figures (no more than 3 figures per page), tables, references and an abstract in Russian and English;
experimental papers shall contain up to 10 pages;
short scientific reports – 3-4 pages;
methodological works outlining new research methods – 4-5 pages.
Larger manuscripts are accepted after prior agreement with the editor-in-chief.
The paper is printed in A4 format (210 × 297) with margins of 3.0 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right side and 2 cm above and below, font 14 PT Times New Roman (Cyr); line spacing 1.5.
Structure of the Paper
Original articles shall include the following mandatory sections: 1) UDC, 2) the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic; scientific degree and academic title, position; full name and address of the organization and structural unit; email address), abstract and keywords (in Russian and English); 3) introduction; 4) materials and research methods; 5) research results; 6) discussion of the results (merge with the previous section is allowed); 7) conclusions or conclusion; 8) list of references with transliteration.
The title of the paper should be short (no more than 10 meaningful words) and correspond to the content of the paper.
The results are best expressed in the past tense. In the "Discussion" section, it is desirable to show the novelty of the results and provide links to the illustrative material of the article and to the data of other authors. References to the literature are given in square brackets with the number according to the list of references. Cumbersome references should be avoided, giving preference to works of recent years.
The names of biological species at the initial mention are given in Latin with the indication of the author and are in italics, then the names of taxa are given at the choice of the authors.
Annotation Requirements
The abstract precedes the article, is located after the list of authors and before keywords; it contains a brief description of the paper and the main results of the study. The abstract should explain the essence of the work, the materials and methods used, the scientific novelty, the results obtained. It should be structured, i.e. reflect all the main sections of the article. Depending on the volume of the article, the abstract should contain from 100 to 250 characters. In the abstract it is recommended to use passive constructions. The abstract is a source of information about the content and results of the study, independent of the paper. The abstract should be original and not repeat the conclusion of the article.
The text of abstract shall be in Russian and English.
Keywords follow after the abstract, font 10 pt, begin with the heading “Keywords: ….”, there shall be 5–10 words and phrases separated by a comma.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures are placed immediately after their mention in the text. Before and after the tables and the figures, an interval of one line in 10 pt is required.
Quantitative data are summarized in the tables whenever possible, with explanations in the text, but the tables should be understandable without reference to the text. The tables should be compact, number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in accordance with their appearance in the text; the data should be processed statistically and given in the SI system.
The titles should be placed above the tables, justified, without indentation, font 10 pt (Table 1 – Title). The table follows the title without interval. Only the tables covering the full width of the page are allowed. The text in tables is 10 pt, single spacing, left alignment. The headings of column in the tables are also 10 pt.
The figures are placed in the text. The caption is put under the figure in 10 pt, centered, with a dot at the end (Figure 1). Preferred graphics and photographs: 300 dpi, 8 bits per pixel, grayscale.
Avoid using low contrast photographs and images.
Special editors are used to insert formulas: Mathtype or the built-in Microsoft Equation 3.0. The size of the main characters in formulas should correspond to the size of the main text (10 pt). Before and after the formula put a interval of one line in 10 pt.
After each formula, in accordance with the context, there should be a punctuation mark (comma, period, etc.).
Russian characters in formulas are written in roman type, while Latin are written in italics. Signs of mathematical functions (sin, ctg, arcsin, ..., sh, Arsh, grad, rot, div, lim, exp, ln, lg, etc.), chemical elements and compounds, as well as const, max, min is typed in roman type.
To denote "multiplication" in formulas, the symbol "×" is used. A comma is used to indicate fractional parts, not a period - "0,56".
Ordinal numbers are assigned only to the most important formulas referenced in the text. The numbering of formulas must be consecutive. The number is placed on the right in parentheses: (1).
The heading “References” is in bold, font 12 pt); the sources are arranged in a list (font 12 pt) either in the order of mention in the text, or alphabetically in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5.–2008 "Bibliographic reference". The references in the text are given in square brackets, for example, [1], [2, 3], [4–6]. The list of references shall include at least 15 titles.
The papers are accepted in printed form, by e-mail or on a CD; the papers are reviewed. The consent form is signed by all authors.
In case of revision of the paper, the date of receipt is the date when the last version of the paper is received by the editors.