Extract from the Register of the Mass Media PI No. FS 77-82390 dated December 8, 2021
Scientific and Theoretical Journal
2023, Vol. 19, № 1
Founded in 2005
Published quarterly
Bryukhanov A. Yu.
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM", Russia, Moscow
Shalavina E. V.
PhD (Tech. Sci.) Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM", Russia, Moscow
Vasiliev E. V.
PhD (Tech. Sci.), Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM", Russia, Moscow
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This study was aimed at adapting the model for calculating the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of liquid organic fertilizer based on pig manure within the framework of the international scientific project "Improved Manure Standards for Sustainable Nutrient Management and Emission Reduction (Dung Standards)" under the cooperation program of the countries of the Baltic Sea region. The adaptable model was based on the European mass balance calculation method, but taking into account reasonable coefficients for intensive manure management technologies used in Russia. The study compared the relevant established norms in Russia, the data calculated by the mass balance method, and the average experimental data on the content of N and P in pig manure and ready-to-use organic fertilizer at a typical pig breeding complex in the Leningrad region. The main activity of the pig-breeding complex is the breeding and rearing of pigs with a livestock of 43,900 animals, including 26,640 fattening animals. As a result of the work, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pig manure and the organic fertilizer obtained on its basis were compared for three types of data: normative data, calculated data, experimental data. In the calculation, the European mass balance model was used, but taking into account the coefficients already adapted to Russian conditions. As a result, it was found that the actual mass of manure, determined for the complex by the experimental method, is comparable to that calculated by the mass balance method (difference of 1.5 %), which indicates the accuracy of the calculation and the correctness of the coefficients justified for Russian conditions. The actual content of nutrients in manure (according to experimental data) is less than the calculated by 6.25 % for total nitrogen and 4.67 % for total phosphorus, which is an acceptable deviation limit. The conducted studies confirm the adequacy of the adapted model.
Key words: pig manure, ecology, manure processing, nutrients, calculation model, organic fertilizers.
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Syshchikov D. V.
PhD (Biol. Sci.), Public Institution "Donetsk botanical garden", DPR, Donetsk,
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Agurova I. V.
PhD (Biol. Sci.), Public Institution "Donetsk botanical garden", DPR, Donetsk,
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The soils of rock dump ecosystems are characterized by a strongly acidic or mere acidic reaction. The greatest positive effect on the reaction of the medium (pH), changing this indicator towards a slightly acidic reaction is reached by sowing plants of the Poaceae family. The exchangeable acidity of soils ecosystems of rock dumps exceeded the control values by 5–15 times. The worst conditions were recorded at sites № 7 and 8. Reclamation using both Kitaibelia vitifolia Willd. и Onobrychis arenaria (Kit.) DC. and polycomponent mixtures did not have a significant effect on the decrease in the exchange acidity index. Compared to the control, the values of hydrolytic acidity in non-reclaimed areas were increased by 12–37 times. This indicates the potential danger of the sites, which, along with high values of exchangeable and actual acidity, becomes a real threat to newly settling plants and to nearby territories.
Key words: actual acidity, exchangeable acidity, hydrolytic acidity, edaphotope, dump ecosystems, monitoring site.
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Frolova N. A.
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Amur State University, Russia, Blagoveshchensk,
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Shkrabtak N. V.
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Amur State University, Russia, Blagoveshchensk,
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The technological cycle of the oil and gas industry is an organizational and technically complex core for the optimal functioning of an enterprise, which largely depends on specialized service and supply companies. The introduction of penalties is incomparable with the damage to the natural environment and does not contribute to the motivation to modernize existing production technologies. The article provides general theoretical information on the impact of secondary products of petroleum products on the ecosystem. Leakage and transportation of oil and gas through pipelines during the production process leads to the air environment pollution with toxic substances of a chemical nature. At the same time, emissions cause direct damage to public health and the environment not only in the territory of the oil and gas chemical complex, but also on the ecosystem as a whole. Total control of the state of the air environment on the territory of the oil and gas complex, as well as prevention of the irrational use of petroleum products is a strategic task of environmental protection.
Key words: oil, oil and gas industry, pollution, environment, emissions, spills, flare installations.
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Mindubaev A. Z.
PhD (Chemical Sciences), Master's student, Kazan National Research Technological Univer-sity, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Klementiev S. V.
PhD student, Kazan National Research Tech.nological University, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
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Minzanova S. T.
PhD (Technical Sciences), Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A. E. Arbuzov, Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
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Studying biodegradation for a number of years, our team obtained very interesting results. Specifically, for the first time the biodegradation of two allotropic modifications of elemental phosphorus was documented as well for several classes of phosphorus and boron compounds, wood products. With increasing depth of the research, the isolated and deposited strains of black aspergillus proved to be a worthy object of comprehensive study in their own right. In addition to their biodegradability, their genetics, phylogenetics and proteomics, morphology and growth pattern, toxicity, allergenicity and pathogenicity, metabolite composition, and ability to grow in media of different compositions ought to be studied and accordingly, a preference for any particular nutrient. In addition, the possibilities of their application in other sectors of the economy, besides biodegradation. A significant aspect is the composition and activity of lectins, a class of glycoproteins capable of selective complex formation and agglutination with specific biological molecules - usually oligosaccharides or proteins. Lectins largely determine the biological properties of the strain. Currently, the study of the lectins of AM1 and AM2 strains is in its inception phase. However, a conclusion can be drawn that the strains are toxic to mammals. Moreover, profound differences in the lectin activity of AM1 and AM2 are demonstrated, which may be what determines the dissimilarity of these very closely related cultures. Additionally, Saburo medium has been shown to be much more suitable for culturing strains compared to Chapek medium, and the substitution of glucose sugar with the polysaccharide citrus pectin leads to a steep change in the morphology of the growing mycelium.
Key words: Aspergillus niger, lectins, erythrocytes, hemagglutination, unicellular algae.
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Torosyan G. O.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan
Hovhannisyan N. R.
PhD (Chem. Sci.), Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan
Petrosyan M. Z.
PhD (Tech. Sci.), Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Tech.nologies, National PolyTech. University of Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan
Adibekyan A. Zh.
Master student, Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan
Davtyan V. A.
PhD (Tech. Sci.), Investment Fund for Sustainable Development, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan
Vardanyan L. R.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Goris State University, Republic of Armenia, Goris
Galstyan A. G.
Lecturer, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Goris State University, Republic of Armenia, Goris
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This article presents the results of using dried stigmas of crocus flowers from the Goris region of the Syunik region in southern Armenia in the production of chocolate and perfumery. The expediency of introducing the stigmas of crocus flowers into the composition of fat is shown. The antioxidant properties of the stigmas of crocus flowers are mainly due to the significant content of crocin (a powerful natural antioxidant), as well as adipic acid and its esters, which are included in the EU list of food additives as acidity regulators and antioxidants - E 355. Cocoa butter in chocolate is partially or completely replaced by confectionery fat, which is subject to deterioration due to oxidation, which leads to a reduction in shelf life. It has been established that the stigmas of crocus flowers contain the same antioxidants as Iranian saffron, but in small quantities. The oxidation of ILLEXAO SC 70 confectionery fat (Sweden) was studied in the presence of powders from the stigmas of Crocus speciósus and Iranian saffron flowers, as well as in the presence of cocoa powder alone (for comparison). Peroxide value was determined as a quantitative indicator of fat oxidation. It has been established that confectionery fat is oxidized the least in the presence of Iranian saffron. It is known that the dried stigmas of the crocus (Crocus sativus L.) flowers have been used since ancient times as a spice, and the stigmas of the beautiful crocus (Crocus speciósus M. Bieb.) serve as a food colorant. The use of dried stigmas of a crocus flower, mostly Iranian saffron, in fat-intensive confectionery products can help expand the range of functional products with a long shelf life. It has been established that the proposed use of the stigmas of crocus flowers will also create an opportunity to expand the production of perfume products at the level of world analogues. The composition of organic substances in the stigmas of flowers of Crocus speciósus was determined by GC-MS analysis. Under the same conditions, a similar composition was studied for Iranian saffron. Fat oxidation was studied by HPLC.
Key words: chocolate, confectionery fat, antioxidant, cocoa powder, dried stigmas of crocus flowers, Crocus sativus L., Crocus speciósus, Iranian saffron, GC-MS analysis, HPLC, shelf life.
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Shchankin A. A.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, MIREA – Russian Technological University, Russia, Moscow,
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Strebkova M. V.
Lecturer, MIREA – Russian Technological University, Russia, Moscow
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Sugar production today occupies one of the important places in the food industry. Every year sugar production increases, thus resource consumption and the impact on the environment are increasing. A study has been made of the ecological features and prerequisites for the development of sugar beet production on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia and its impact on the components of the natural environment. Main pollutants are flue, sulfitation and saturation gases, lime and pulp dust, a number of harmful chemicals from sulfur dioxide to hydrogen sulfide. A comparative analysis of the ways of using by-products of this production was carried out and the most effective one was chosen. The main problematic waste of sugar production is defecation, which is proposed to be used as an additive in cement and after sedimentation for liming soils. On the basis of pump, organic fibers can be obtained as a food additive, biogas can be received by burning it, and the ash residue can be used as a mineral fertilizer.
Keywords: sugar factory, beetroot, by-products, pulp, molasses, filtration sludge, environmental pollution, recycling.
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Molochko A. V.
PhD (Geographical Sciences), Associate Professor (Higher Attestation Commission), Saratov State University (SSU), Russia, Saratov,
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The relevance of environmental education dictates the need for its development and dynamics in accordance with modern requirements. The article presents the experience of introducing non-standard forms of conducting classes into the educational process for Master students studying "Ecology and Nature Management" (05.03.06), as well as methods for visualizing statistical environmental information. The features of mastering the discipline «Computer Technologies and Statistical Methods in Geography and Nature Management» are considered, thus allowing approach the process of training future ecologists using modern technologies and more effectively learn how to solve important environmental problems and form highly qualified environmental specialists. Exemplary tasks in the performance of laboratory work are described in detail. The presented developments are possible for implementation not only in full-time, but also in correspondence and distance learning formats, since they do not require proprietary specialized desktop software.
Key words: higher education, educational process, ecology and nature management, anamorphosis, non-standard educational technologies.
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Belenkov A. I.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, Russia, Moscow,
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Kirichkova I. V.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, Volgograd,
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Gabunshina A. A.
Laboratory Researcher, Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Aforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Volgograd,
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The article contains the calculation of the agroecological-economic balance (AEEB) of the territory of the Kamyshinsky district of the Volgograd region. The value of the territory's AEEB reflects a balanced ratio of various activities and interests of population groups, taking into account the potential and real possibilities of nature, which makes it possible to ensure the stability of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems and avoid negative environmental consequences. The consequence of the calculation of the AEEB of the territory is the improvement of the structure of land use and the orientation towards the constant expansion of natural systems for ensuring human life, i.e., the creation of new land use systems. An analysis of the final indicators of the agro-ecological and economic balance of the territory of the Kamyshinsky municipal district revealed contradictions between the values of the coefficients of absolute and relative environmental stress. Most likely this is due to the disturbance of such landscape components as soils and vegetation, and means that the level of anthropogenic impact on landscapes exceeds the possibilities for their restoration, which determines the main directions for optimizing the territory of the Kamyshinsky district. According to the above calculations of the AEEB for the Volgograd region, a number of new elements were included in the system of adaptive landscape farming, thanks to which the system can be improved by introducing precision farming.
Key words: agroecological-economic balance (AEEB), land use systems, anthropogenic pressure, agrolandscape, nature management, natural environment, optimization.
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Rubtsova L. E.
PhD (Biol. Sci.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Zoology Institute under the Azerbaijan Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku,
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One of the directions of ecologization of agriculture is the use of biological plant protection products, which makes it possible to reduce the rates of the used insecticides and protect the soil from the accumulation of toxic substances. The paper presents data from an experiment on the use of entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae to control the Colorado potato beetle in the pupal stage. The Colorado potato beetle is one of the most dangerous agricultural pests that damages potatoes and other Solanaceae crops, in particular eggplant. This study was carried out for the first time. The soil with pupae placed at a depth of 8 cm was sprayed with 5 ml of a water-nematode suspension at the rate of 200K ind./ml per 750 cm2. Upon the experiment completion, the mortality of pupae was 85%. The data obtained make it possible to recommend S. carpocapsae for field testing to control the population of the Colorado potato beetle in the pupal stage. Dead insects can serve as a reservoir of nematodes in the soil, since nematodes can also penetrate dead insects as saprotrophs.
Key words: entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae, biological method, pupae of the Colorado potato beetle, soil, organic farming.
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Biodiversity and Bioresources
Ivashov P. V.
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation; Chief Researcher, Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, FEB RAS, Russia, Khabarovsk,
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Herbaceous plants are a promising source of medicinal raw materials, as well as a biological object for biogeochemical studies. Herbaceous plants are widely distributed in the zone of cedar-deciduous forests of the Amur region. For the first time in the natural conditions of the Amur region in the south of the Far East of Russia, on the conditionally background territory of the Ussuri taiga, the biogeochemical characteristics of medicinal herbs were established: wormwood, lily of the valley, false hellebore, burnet, fireweed, meadowsweet, clover, sedge. The objects of the study were the aerial parts of the grasses of the Khekhtsir polygon. Trace elements were determined using an emission spectral method based on a DFS-13M spectrograph and an atomic absorption method on a Hitachi AAS-3 spectrophotometer. The gross content of trace elements and their mass fraction were determined. The levels of microelement content in the named herbs were revealed. The possibility of using herbs as bioindicators in biogeochemical monitoring of the environment is substantiated. A large association of trace elements and heavy metals (17 trace elements) has been established in medicinal herbs, but with a relatively low concentration compared to world clarks for plants. Some medicinal herbs are concentrators of trace elements: wormwood concentrates molybdenum, lily of the valley – strontium, fireweed – barium, burnet – manganese, sedge – lead. When conducting biogeochemical monitoring of environmental pollution with chemical elements, the following plants are the most informative: wormwood, sedge, burnet. These plants can be recommended for biogeochemical monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems in the conditions of the Amur region.
Key words: biogeochemistry, medicinal herbs, Priamurie, the south of the Russian Far East.
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Kirillov N. A.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacol-ogy and Biochemistry, Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov; Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary,
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Grigoriev S. N.
Student of the Medical Faculty of the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov; Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary,
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The conservation of species biodiversity and the expansion of the ranges of rare and endangered plant species, including medicinal ones, is an urgent problem of ecology. In this regard, the article highlights the analysis of the activities carried out in the Chuvash Republic aimed at the conservation and reproduction of plants included in the Red Book of Chuvashia, medicinal and spicy herbs, essential oil plants and seedlings of ornamental shrubs and performed by scientists, researchers of specially protected natural areas, Chuvash National Museum and educational institutions of higher education of the republic. A brief analysis of the new edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Chuvashia (2020) is given, the main natural monuments and the most significant protected areas of the republic are listed. The authors recommend using the most promising technological methods for the cultivation of medicinal herbs, essential oil and aromatic plants in settlements landscaping, growing in small scale plots of summer cottages, in personal subsidiary plots and farms, in field crop rotations.
Key words: plant protection, the Red Book, specially protected natural areas, medicinal plants, cultivation, introduction.
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Skripnick I. A.
PhD (Agric. Sci.), Leading Researcher, FSBI "Sochi National Park", Russia, Sochi; Deputy Director for Science, SAFARIPARK LLC, Russia, Gelendzhik
Nikiforov D. N.
Senior Researcher, FSBI "Sochi National Park", Russia, Sochi; Researcher, SAFARIPARK LLC, Russia, Gelendzhik,
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Skripnick I. I.
Senior Lecturer, Social and Humanitarian Faculty, Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian, Russia, Moscow
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Even old forest plantations continue to perform important climate-forming functions, positively affecting soil fertility. However, there is a need to analyze previous developments and study new approaches to the creation of forest plantations. The basis of systematic forest management is, first of all, the zoning of the territory into homogeneous areas according to natural and climatic parameters and their intended use. The proposed scheme of forest typological zoning of the flat part of the North Caucasus was developed on the basis of climate assessment and its forest typological classification, taking into account D.V. Vorobyov's edapho-climatic grid. A certain combination of heat and humidity zones forms forest-growing areas, which represent zonal types of forest areas on the upland with a certain azonal forest typological macrocomplex, which are presented as regions. For each region an assessment of the forest suitability of the territories of individual regions is provided, taking into account their location and soil diversity. The developed forest typological zoning of the vast territory of the North Caucasus will serve as a practical guide in the organization of forestry and the implementation of forest management and forest reclamation activities in the studied area.
Key words: zoning, heat and humidity zones, forest typological area, region, forest suitabilit.
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Monitoring of ecological systems
Ponomareva I. S.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russia, Orenburg,
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Khristianovsky P. I.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russia, Orenburg,
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Kislinskaya L. G.
PhD, Associate Professor,Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russia, Orenburg,
Volodarskaya V. S.
Applicant, Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russia, Orenburg,
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Pilipenko S. I.
Applicant, Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russia, Orenburg,
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The Orenburg Region is an agricultural region and today the issues related to the development and biosafety in animal husbandry industries are extremely in demand. The need for ecological and epizootological monitoring is determined by the fact that in the environment of animal habitats there is an accumulation of microorganisms that pose a significant environmental threat. Pathogens of dangerous and socially significant infections (brucellosis) can acquire pathogenic properties due to their reversible properties and increased virulent potential. According to the results of studies in the structure of the incidence of infectious diseases, the maximum specific weight (on average in the region) falls on brucellosis (5.8 %), the minimum on rabies (0.4 %). The stability of the functioning of parasitic systems in the population of small cattle is provided by coactants: nematodes – dicrocelia (65 %), cestodes – monies (14 %), protozooses – eimeria (14.0 %), trematodes – dicrocelia (2.5 %).
Keywords: ecological and epizootological monitoring, zooanthroponoses, invasion, parasitic systems, epizootic foci, brucellosis, rabies, monesiosis, dictyoculosis.
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Monitoring of ecological systems