Registration certificate ПИ № ФС 77-21756, reg. 30.08.2005
Science and Theory Journal
2018, V. 14, №4
Founded in 2005
Published 4 times a year
UDC 502.37
Jordán M. M.
PhD, Associate Professor,University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, Avda de la Universidad, 03202 Elche (Alicante), Spain,
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Bech J.
PhD, Emeritus Professor, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Londres Street, 84, 5è, 2a, 08036 Barcelona, Spain,
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García-Sánchez E.
PhD, Associate Professor, University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, Avda de la Universidad, 03202 Elche (Alicante),
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PhD, Associate Professor, University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, Avda de la Universidad, 03202 Elche (Alicante),
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Soils in the Mediterranean region have a low resilience to disturbances and are now extensively degraded both physically and biochemically. Inappropriate agricultural practices, exacerbated by other natural and human induced perturbations such as increased drought and forest fire occurrence have caused soil impoverishment and the subsequent abandonment of agricultural land in many regions. One of the most promising approaches to soil rehabilitation on such land is the application of organic waste. Organic re-fuses, such as sewage sludge, are commonly used on agricultural land, but are increasingly considered for the reclamation of degraded land and mine deposits. The positive effect of such organic matter, nutrient and micro-organism additions are now widely recognised. Very little, however, is known about the detrimental effects of such treatments. The impacts of phytotoxins, heavy metals, salts (especially sodium) and hydrocarbons added via organic wastes are not well enough understood to be thoroughly considered before application. Potential detrimental impacts include accumulation of metals, phosphorus, nitrogen, and resilient aliphatic hydrocarbons, leading to toxicity, nitrate influxes to the groundwater and changes in soil wetting properties.
Keywords: sewage sludge, waste water, degraded soils, soils recovery, semi-arid conditions, European Mediterranean soils, burned soils, mining soils, saline soils.
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Alekseenko V. A.
Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS
Beliuchenko I. S.
doctor of biological sciences, professor, Kuban state agrarian university named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, 350044, Krasnodar, Kalinina street, 13,
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Alekseenko A. V.
MSc, PhD student, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Department of Geoecology, 2, 21st Line V. O., Saint Petersburg, 199106, Россия,
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The Scientific Board of the Kuban State Agrarian University guided by long academic traditions, motivated by the spirit of the founding values recognized by the ancestors, and in effort to award the highest honours to those personalities who have served, in most extraordinary manner, the development of science, arts, education and international cooperation, confers upon Professor Jaume Bech the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Soil Science for his merits in the development of scientific cognition and manifold promotion of the relations between the Kuban State Agrarian University and the University of Barcelona. Jaume Bech is one of the leading world researchers in the field of soil science, geochemistry, and ecology, Emeritus Professor of the University of Barcelona. Jaume Bech is the Honoris Causa of more than 10 universities in Europe and Latin America. He is an author of more than 350 scientific papers, the Chairman of the scientific committee on Management and Reclamation of Mining Site Soils of the International Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS). In 2016 Professor Jaume Bech was awarded the world’s most prestigious title of an honorary member of the IUSS. Despite the sanctions and termination of a number of joint international scientific projects, he keeps on feeling substantiated respect towards Russian researchers and their achievements. Jaume Bech took part in establishing and conducting the International Biogeochemical School of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry in 1999, 2011, 2013 and 2015; Professor Bech is a Honorary Member of the Russian Dokuchaev Soil Science Society. Since 2015 he became a member of the Editorial Board of the ‘North Caucasus Ecological Herald’ journal.
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UDC 504.064.4
Alekseenko A. V.
MSc, PhD student, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Department of Geoecology, 2, 21st Line V. O., Saint Petersburg, 199106, Россия,
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Drebenstedt C.
Professor, PhD, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, 6, Akademiestraße, 09599 Freiberg, Germany,
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The environmental impact of marl mining dumps in Novorossiysk city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia is as-sessed. The contaminants released by urban enterprises and motor vehicle emissions and absorbed by fu-gitive dust from dumps make a geochemical anomaly of Pb, Sr, Cu, Zn, and Sn at geochemical barriers in soils. The accumulation of pollutants in soil depends on the type of land use and the local topography. The most contaminated aquatic landscapes have been identified in the inner bay. According to this information, the technical proposals for environmental safety management were prepared. At the technical stage of dump reclamation, slopes of the dumps will be covered with a three-dimensional erosion control mat. The subsequent hydroseeding will allow ensuring complete coverage and high strength of the slope surface in a short time and at the lowest cost. A method for reclamation of subhorizontal sites is radically different from the measures designed for slopes because the technical levelling stage is not required for a fairly flat surface; based on the local flora characteristics Juniperus oxycedrus and Cotinus coggygria were chosen.
Key words: soil pollution, geochemical exploration, mine dumps, land restoration, ecological zoning.
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UDC 631
Blazheva V. I.
Associate Professor of Agrarian Economic, Ph.D., D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, the city of Svishtov,
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This paper focuses on the European initiative for a modern and clean economy. In this respect, the European Union is investing 2.2 billion euros in 2020 in innovation and research to develop clean energy projects for the protection of the planet. The ecological transition, it is said, is an economic, social and energy transition that introduces ten of a modern, low-carbon economy.
Key words: environment, ecological transition, modernization of the economy, greening, direct payments, organic production.
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UDC 628.516:631.45
Bekuzarova S. A.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Plant Growing of the Gorsky State University of Agriculture, Gorsky State Agrarian University, city of Vladaqavkaz, Kirova 37,
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Dulayev T. A.
Post-graduate Student, Department of Plant Cultivation, Gorsky State Agrarian University, city of Vladaqavkaz, Kirova 37,
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Datieva I. A.
graduate student of the North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mining and Piedmont Agriculture of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 363311, p. Mikhailovsky RNO-A
Sebetov V. Kh.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Technology and Organization of Public Catering of Gorsky State University, Gorsky State Agrarian University, city of Vladaqavkaz, Kirova 37
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The plants of 3 families of the ecosystem were studied: cereals, legumes and oilseeds. Of all the plants studied, the maximum amount of mercury was found in oil-bearing crops: winter rye, hogweed. Abyssinian abbessia and abbinsky crumb, with thin hairs on the leaves. It was found that when the increase of more than 0.1 mg / kg of mercury is disrupted metabolism in the plant community, which cause inhibition of cellular respiration, photosynthesis, gas volume, a decrease in enzymatic activity. To reduce mercury in agro ecosystems, exceeding the permissible limits of plant indicators such as oilseeds, the site was sprayed with hydrogen sulfide water at a rate of 250 liters / hectare with the addition of 2.5 kg of potassium humate. As a result of such agro reception maintenance of Mercury is in leaves and stems of edible mushroom winter-annual, ramtils Abyssinian and crambe went down Abyssinian on 50-65%.
Key words: plants-indicators, oilbearing cultures, sulphuretted hydrogen, humate of potassium, leguminous herbares.
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UDC 550.7
Ivashov P. V.
doctor of Geological and Miner'logical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation; Senior Researcher; Institute of Water and Ecological Problems FEB RAS; 680000, Russia, Khaba¬rovsk, Kim Yu Chen str., 65, E-mail:
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Heavy metal content were estimated in root plants in the test fields of Priamurje agrolandscape. To identify bioobject, which can be used for biogeochemical monitoring of the agroecosystem.
Key words: root plants, heavy metals, biogeochemical monitoring, agrolandscape, Priamurje.
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UDC 631.5:504.54
Belyuchenko I. S.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, 350044, Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13,
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The article provides an analysis of the composition, structure and characteristics of the development of agrolandscape systems on the example of the northern zone of the Kuban. In the composition of the agricultural landscape, the main and auxiliary subsystems are distinguished, and the nature of their functioning is analyzed. The long-term experience of environmental studies of various agrolandscape systems of the Kuban, including crop rotations, forest belts, livestock farms, etc., give grounds for considering the diversity of farmland at the level of landscape formations. Agrolandscape is a special form of agricultural landscape with a wide use of soil resource potential by a person. The agrolandscape system uses certain natural territories and transforms them, which requires an assessment of the possible consequences of such a process in the future. The study of the composition and structure of agricultural landscapes was carried out on the basis of farms of the northern zone of the Kuban, while guided by the scientific provisions developed by V. V. Dokuchaev (1889), V. R. Williams (1922), L. G. Ramensky (1938) and others. In the farms, the study of the elements of the agrolandscape was carried out on the basis of taking into account microclimatic features, the exposure of the slopes, soil fertility and its mechanical composition.
Key words: ecosystem, agrolandscape, functioning.
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UDC 631.95.879
Belyuchenko I. S.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, 350044, Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13,
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The bacterial microflora of the soils of the northern regions of the Krasnodar Territory, located in different geographic zones, forms characteristic combinations of ratios and numbers of different groups of microorganisms. Agricultural use of soil significantly changes their agrochemical characteristics, as well as the number and species diversity of microflora.
Key words: soil, soil microflora, soil fertility, soil biogenicity.
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UDC 632.95.024-025:543. 544
Tsikunib A. D.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry, Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Russia, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Maikop, st. Pervomayskaya, 208,
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Deifel K. V.
Adyghe State University, Russia, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Maikop, st. Pervomayskaya, 208,
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Ezlu F. N.
Expert-biochemist, The Research Institute for Complex Problems, Adyghe State University, Russia, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Maikop, st. Pushkin, 260,
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Kasumova S. R.
Adyghe State University, Russia, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Maikop, st. Pervomayskaya, 208,
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Based on the analysis of the range of pesticides sold in trade outlets and markets of the Republic of Adyghea, we have established that drugs, the active ingredients of which are organophosphate pesticides of hazard category 2 (diazinon) and hazard category 3 (dimethoate, malathion, phosalone, parathion-methyl) are not realized. We have found out that there are no residual amounts of organophosphate compounds, in the fruit and vegetable production made on personal plots.
Key words: organophosphate pesticides, health hazard, chromatographic method for the analysis of pesticides.
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UDC 581.4
Vakhnina I. L.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher of the Laboratory of geography and regional nature management, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Russia, 672002, Chita, P.O. Box 1032, (3022) 20-61-97,
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Noskova E. V.
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of geography and regional nature management, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Russia, 672002, Chita, P.O. Box 1032, (3022) 20-61-97,
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Golyatina M. A.
graduate student, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Russia, 672002, Chita, P.O. Box 1032, (3022) 20-61-97,
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The estimation of the vital state of pine trees, which grow under anthropogenic pressure on the territory of the city of Chita, has been performed. The results showed that the majority of trees in the complex of attributes refers to "strongly weakened" (category 3 of the state). The negative impact of the urban envi-ronment is exacerbated by low rainfall in some years, which can be traced to the variability of the width of the annual rings of the model trees.
Key words: Eastern Transbaikalia, Chita, indication, anthropogenic pressure, morphometry, climate.
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UDC 911.52:581.9
Ivanenko E. E.
scientific collaborator, ANO West-Kaucasical scientific-research institute of calture and nature heritage, 350018, Russia, Krasnodar, Sormovscaja, 7
Bondar V. V.
candidate of historical sciences, director ANO West-Kaucasical scientific-research institute of calture and nature heritage, 350018, Russia, Krasnodar, Sormovscaja, 7
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Stepp-covering of forest, forest-savanna, swamp landscapes in connection with global droping in temper-ature and aridization climat of Earth in Neogene and Quatemary period served to formation same yang natural zone of planet – stepp zone, explantioning in Pleistocene vast spaces in intercontinental regions of Temperate zone. Phytocenocicly cores of stepps was formed festucoid grasses, the origin of that is re-lated of the South-West Asian centre formation of flora. The question about periodization stepp-covering in Western Caucasus is debatable enough. It is prodused in this article analytical reseach geomorphologi-cal, climatic, edaphic, paleopolinologic data about genesis landscapes of Western Caucasus and on the basis of it the period of appearance turf-gramineous Stipa-Festuca steppes, tipicly on this region, trans-formed in an industrial epoch in the agrolandscapes steppes.
Key word: Western Caucasus, Ponto-Kaspian basin, stepp landscapes, droping in temperature and aridization climat, gidrographic factors, phytocenosises, Pliocen, Pleistocene, panholarctic festucoid grasses.
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UDC 577.47: 546.49. 575.2
Djenbaev B. M.
doctor of biological sciences, professor, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 720071, Bishkek, Chui ave., 265,
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Imatali kyzy K.
lecturer, Osh State University, Kyrgyz Republic, 723500, Osh city, Ak-Bura Campus, Yugo Vostok,
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The article presents the results of studying the mercury content in plants in the Aidarken mercury plant. In the territory of the metallurgical plant in all the plants studied, the mercury content is greater than the MRL. Analysis of the mercury content in plants showed that Mentha asiatica, Artemisia sp and Ziziphora bungeana Lam. The mercury content of the plants under investigation is dangerous, since this element is larger than the background content and MRL.
Key words: biogeochemical province, mercury, mercury plant, concentration, tailing dump.
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UDC 502.12.
Kalnaya O. I.
Candidate of geographical sciences, Russia, Republic of Tyva, 667007, Kyzyl, Internatsionalnaya street, 117a, Tuva institute for the integrated development of natural resources of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences (FGBUN TuvIKOPR SB RAS),
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Mongush S. P.
Junior researcher, laboratory of mathematical modeling, Russia, Republic of Tuva, 667007, Kyzyl, Internatsionalnaya street, 117a, Tuva Institute for the Integrated development of natural resources of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences (FGBUN TuvIKOPR SB RAS),
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Gurkova E. A.
Candidate of biological sciences, Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Akademika Lavrentieva street, 8/2, Institute of soil science and agrochemistry of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences (FGBUN IPA SB RAS),
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Ayunova O. D.
Researcher, laboratory of mathematical modeling, Russia, Republic of Tuva, 667007, Kyzyl, Internatsionalnaya street, 117a, Tuva institute for the integrated development of natural resources of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences (FGBUN TuvIKOPR SB RAS),
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Present situation of determination of residual rocks, refuse ores, metallurgical industry refuse burnouts in direct access oxidizing and transporting factors has radically changed the geochemical shape and history of mining regions territories not only in Russia but all over the world. New era in the Earth sciences ad-vancement started in the 70s of the last century with discovery of toxic anomalies of heavy metals near concentration plants. Priorities of both applied and fundamental studies have shifted to consequences re-search works caused by human activity and mining. Researchers devote much attention to circulation, behavior, transporting and deposition of arsenic as extrahazardous element with a high migration ability along with toxic chemical elements, heavy metals within full problems of negative environmental effect of metallurgical industry refuse burnout wastes. Present paper subject is waste storage facilities of “Tuva-kobalt” industrial complex which earlier processed arsenide cobalt-nickel complex ores of Khovu-Aksy deposit, its environmental effect.
Key words: "Tuvakobalt" industrial complex, waste, tailing pounds, arsenic, ecology, soil cover, surface and groundwater.
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UDC 621.643.4
Kurochkinа G. N.
Federal State budgetary Institution of science Institute of physicochemical and biological problems in soil science of Russian Academy of Sciences (IFH, ibbp RAS) 142290, Russia, Pushchino, Moscow region, Institutskaya str., 2, colloid41@
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Nanotechnology of receiving anticorrosive protective is developed polymeric coverings of metal and concrete surfaces from water-salt corrosion on the basis of large-capacity production wastes of a capro-lactam and other chemical productions. It is shown that coverings on the basis of the received mastic have the high elasticity increased by the shock durability and corrosion resistance in water-salt environments in comparison with traditional bituminous and polymeric compositions. They harden not only on peeled, but also on rusty surfaces, especially in the conditions of dry and hot climate. The advantage of new technology is also an opportunity to solve an environmental problem of utilization of not decomposed toxic waste of chemical productions and, therefore, clarification of the environment (water, air and the soil) from toxic waste – and at the same time to make ecologically safe products, useful to economy. The technology allows to increase productivity of the oil and gas industry, and also is economic in various branches of the national economy including power
Key words: toxic waste, technology, mastic, protection covers, surface, adhesion–strength, elastic, anticorrosion.
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UDC 631.879.4
Aznagulov D. R.
master degree of «Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Bashkir SAU», RU, Ufa, 50-letiya Oсtyabrya St., 34,
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Minigazimov N. S.
doctor of technical sciences, Professor «Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Bashkir SAU», RU, Ufa, 50-letiya Oсtyabrya St., 34,
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Mavlyutova E. F.
master degree of «Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Bashkir SAU», RU, Ufa, 50-letiya Oсtyabrya St., 34,
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The constant increase of the volume of solid municipal waste enhances the anthropogenic impact to the environment. A large part of solid municipal waste is represented by various organic substances that are suitable for recycling,including in the agricultural sector. The volume of organic waste annually entering landfills is 30-40% of the total waste. Composting is one of the widely known methods of recycling organic part of municipal solid waste. However, this direction of solving the problem is constrained by the lack of available effective technologies for collecting, sorting and recycling of waste, insufficient knowledge of the properties of compost from solid municipal waste. Organic compost-based fertilizers from municipal solid waste have a significant impact to the agronomic properties of soils. The soil receives the necessary nutrients for plants, they contribute to the accumulation of moisture in the soil and its longer expenditure, which favorably affects the water regime of fertile soil properties
Key words: municipal solid waste (MSW), organic waste, composting, toxicity, biotesting, phytotoxicity.
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UDC 63.631.811
Teuchezh A. A.
associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, 350044, Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13,
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The article presents the results of determination of phosphorus in manure of pigs and cattle. Phosphorus plays an extremely important role in the metabolism of humans and animals. Phosphorus is found in every living cell. It is associated with interstitial carbohydrate metabolism, muscle contraction and calcium removal from the body. Phosphorus is an active catalyst and stimulator of the effective use of feed in the body. It participates in the absorption, transportation and metabolism of organic nutrients in the body, as well as in cell division and growth processes. Phosphorus greatly affects the quality of meat. When feeding cows with phosphates during the stall period, barleyness decreases, calves are born strong and large. The content of phosphorus in the body of an animal depends on its quantity in the diet and digestibility. The lack of phosphorus in the diet of animals causes them to deteriorate the general condition, lack of appetite and bone diseases. With chronic phosphorus deficiency observed metabolic disorders, reduced productivity, fecundity, increase in barley. Phosphorus starvation usually ends with a decrease in the body's ability to absorb food, and demineralization. The phosphorus content in the organs and tissues of mammals is many orders of magnitude higher than its content in sea and river water and 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than in the soil. These data indirectly indicate that the main route of phosphorus in the body of mammals is food. About 80% of the total phosphorus in the body of an animal is concentrated in the skeleton, and only about 20% in other tissues. The content of phosphorus in the body of an animal depends on its quantity in the diet and digestibility. In OAO Zavety Ilyicha of the Leningradsky district of the Krasnodar territory on livestock farms, we selected and analyzed the methods of biotesting of manure, surface and waste waters. In the studied farm, a dairy farm, which contains 1000 animals, and a pig farm, where the total number of pigs is 2500 heads, were studied. The phosphorus content in swine manure of pigs changes to dry matter from 4,4 to 4,9%, with an average of 4,7%, and cattle from 2,6 to 2,9%. A noticeable gap in the phosphorus content in manure of pigs and cattle is associated with significant differences in their feeding.
Key words: phosphorus, manure, cattle, dairy farm, pig farm, metabolism, animals, feeding, mineral substances.
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