Registration certificate PI № FS 77-21756 dated 30 august 2005
Theoretical journal
2020, Vol. 16, № 3
Founded in 2005
Gets out four times per year
UDC 504.06(06)
Belyuchenko I. S.
Doctor of biological sciences, professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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Korunchikova V. V.
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar,
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The international scientific environmental conference "AGRARIAN LANDSCAPES, THEIR SUSTAINABILITY AND FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT" was held in absentia in March 2020 at the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin. An overview of the main directions in studies of various environmental and economic aspects of the preservation and efficiency of agricultural landscapes and the reduction of the negative impact of agricultural production on the environment is given in the article. The issues of wastes recycling and methods of their recycling, in particular for the formation of complex composts, were touched upon. In addition to the traditional directions of increasing the productivity of crop production (doses and systems of application of fertilizers, bacterial preparations, methods of soil cultivation and its reclamation), other issues were raised. Such as the use of innovative technologies that allow obtaining more accurate data on the state of soil fertility and ways to improve it. A large number of messages are devoted to the analysis of the impact of agricultural landscapes on the environment. The negative consequences of this influence are noted, various ways to minimize harm and generally improve the ecological situation in agricultural regions are proposed.
More detailed information on the research results of the Conference participants can be found at
Key words: agricultural landscapes, productivity, sustainability, organic farming, monitoring of environmental pollution, waste disposal.
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UDC 631.4
Smagin A. V.
doctor of biological science, professor, Lonomosov Moscow State University, (Russia), 119992, Moscow, GSP-2, Leninskye gory; Institute of Forest Science the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Russia), 143030, Moscow region. Sovetskaya 21, p/o Uspenskoe; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, (Russia), 117198, Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6,
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The article is based on the author's plenary report at the Lomonosov Moscow State University 2019 Conference "Key concepts of soil physics: development, current applications and future prospects", dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Russian scientist of the twentieth century, Head of the Department of physics and soil reclamation, Dean of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University, Professor A.D. Voronin. It develops the structural and functional thermodynamic approach of A. D. Voronin in relation to the problem of assessing the physical quality of soils. The main idea is to give a fundamental physical justification to the Voronin empirical method for evaluating critical indicators of the soil physical system (soil-hydrological constants) based on thermodynamic water retention curves (WRC). The study uses a representative (over 400 samples) author's WRC database of the main genetic types and granulometric classes of Eurasian soils, as well as an analysis of the literary material of USSR monographic sources, including little-known ones. The Dexter Index of soil physical quality calculated by WRC is critically analyzed. The significance of non-capillary, surface forces and mechanisms controlling the water retention and physical quality of soils is revealed. The inconsistency of the Richards model for describing the vertical distribution of soil moisture in the field of gravity, which does not correspond to the actually observed discrete states of the field water capacity, capillary rupture point, and limiting height of capillary rise, is shown. The relationship between the capillary rupture point and the optimum moisture for soil tillage (physical ripeness) is revealed. Physically- based methods are proposed for estimating the field water capacity on WRC by capillary rise height and capillarity rupture points from experimental dependence of the soil water osmotic potential on moisture content in the soil. For agronomists and ecologists a convenient table of critical indicators of physical quality of soils normalized by water saturation state has been compiled for the main textural classes of Eurasian soils.
Key words: soil physical quality, thermodynamic potentials of soil moisture, dispersity, capillarity, stability of water films, soil-hydrological constants capillarity rupture point, optimal tillage, water conservation.
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UDC 579.695; 546.85; 502.55; 661.63
Mindubae A. Z.
Institute of Power Engineering and Advanced Technologies, FRC Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan,
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Babynin E. V.
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. University St., 18. Kazan, 420008, Russia. Republic of Tatarstan
Akosah Y. A.
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. University St., 18. Kazan, 420008, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan
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It turned out that microorganisms that neutralize elemental phosphorus are able to biodegrade most of the spectrum of phosphorus compounds. Our studies of the metabolism of phosphorus-containing compounds of various classes confirm this. Since the chemistry of phosphorus is diverse, it is necessary to collect significant material on the metabolism of many classes of compounds. In this article, we describe the continuation of this work. It turned out that Aspergillus niger AM1 is able to utilize dithiophosphate of the simplest structure as sources of phosphorus, but is not able to utilize substituted dithiophosphonate. In addition, in the present work, we clarified the previously obtained results on the metabolism of phosphoric acid ester and phosphoramide. Also, was first studied phylogenetic relationship of A. niger AM1 with biodegradable A. niger and A. bombycis strains from the NCBI database.
Key words: detoxication, phosphorus compounds, Aspergillus niger, phylogenetic tree.
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UDC 631.6
Mustafayev Zh. S.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, ul. Kyz-Zhibek 41;
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Kozykeyeva A. T.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050070, Almaty, ul. Kenesary Khan 54/29. Apt. 17;
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Dauletbay S. D.
Master, Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz, microdistrict 8 (Alatau), house 37, apartment 115.,
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On the basis of a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the development of land reclamation of agricultural lands and methods of rationing the water demand of agricultural land in retrospect, an increasing trend of their change in time scales was identified that violated the basic principles of environmental management as a result of private approaches to their solution, which required the need to take into account geo-ecological restrictions when planning the norm water requirements of agricultural land.
Key words: water demand, soil, plants, reclamation, rationing, geoecology, law, restrictions, deficit, environment.
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UDC 634.8
Beibulatov M. R.
Dr. Agri. Sci., Head of Agrotechnology of Grapevine Laboratory, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking «Magarach» of RAS», Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, str. Kirova, 31,
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Urdenko N. A.
Cand. Agric. Sci., Senior Staff Scientist, Agrotechnology of Grapevine Laboratory, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking «Magarach» of RAS», Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, str. Kirova, 31,
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Tikhomirova N. A.
Cand. Agric. Sci., Senior Staff Scientist Agrotechnology of Grapevine Laboratory, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking «Magarach» of RAS», Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, str. Kirova, 31,
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Buival R. A.
Cand. Agric. Sci., Staff Scientist Agrotechnology of Grapevine Laboratory, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking «Magarach» of RAS», Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, str. Kirova,
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Searching for new approaches of solving the problem of water management is a top priority for many research groups, institutions, industrial and agricultural enterprises. Time prescribes the necessity to create and implement fundamentally new technologies with high functional reward in stressful conditions preserving and ensuring water resource conservation in agricultural production. Appliance of moisture-saving technology using the absorber in the process of planting new vineyards increases the survival ability of seedlings to 95–98 %; accelerates the formation of bushes and the entry into the fruiting age by 1,5–2 years; increases productivity of fruiting vineyards by 30–40 %. By adaption of environmental-friendly and cost-effective technologies into agricultural production for moisture supply and saving, using the absorber in the process of planting seedlings in a fixed place and introducing it to the root layer, we achieve the effect of increasing the survival ability and better root development. Growth, development and resistance of plants to drought become more intense.
Key words: moisture-saving technologies, absorber, water-holding capacity, saturation capacity, variety, grapes, root layer, degree of maturity, gain, agrobiologic parameters, consequence.
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UDC 631.6
Mustafayev Zh. S.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, ul. Kyz-Zhibek 41,
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Kozykeyeva A. T.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, ul. Kenesary Khan 54/29. Apt. 17,
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Zhatkanbaeva A. O.
Doctor PhD, Taraz State University named after M. Kh. Dulati, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz city, Mynbulak microdistrict, 38, apt. 36,
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Based on a structural analysis and assessment of the elements of the water balance of the soil in hydroagrolandscapes that perform environment-forming and economic functions, their environmental significance for preservation and reproduction of soil fertility is determined taking into account hydrogeochemical processes that occur during the reclamation of agricultural lands, which allow them to maintain their basic properties, such as integrity, functioning and dynamics in anthropogenic activities.
Key words: ecology, soil, significance, reclamation, water balance, structure, environment, process, fertility, function, reproduction.
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UDC 628.2
Nevzorova A. B.
Doctor of Sciences, professor, professor of the department “Ecology and energy efficiency in the technosphere” Establishment "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova St. 34. E-mail:
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Novikova O. K.
Ph. D. of technical, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department "Ecology and Energy Efficiency in the Technosphere" Establishment "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova St. 34,+375291563898,
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The article is devoted to a review of instrumental approaches used in water resources management. Based on an example of a basic study of water supply and sewage systems in the settlements of the Mostovsky district of the Grodno region (RB), instrumental approaches to assessing the quality of water resources are presented, which formed the basis for the development of a strategic concept to improve water resources management in the region.
Key words: quality, drinking water supply, basic research, instrumental approaches.
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UDC 504.06:622.33
Zubova L. G.
doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ukraine, Kiev
Zubov A. R.
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Ukraine, Kiev
Zubov A. A.
candidate of technical sciences, doctoral candidate, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, 03143 Ukraine, Kiev, Metrological street, 12,
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The creation of artificial forest stands is the most effective way of reclamation of heaps. Similar methods were developed by a number of scientific institutions of Ukraine and tested in practice. An analysis of the state of artificial forest stands on a typical rock dump of the coal mine of Donbass is given. Rock dump was after biological reclamation (35 years ago). A soil survey of the waste rock was carried out in preparation for landscaping in 1983. The mining and technical stage of reclamation was carried out by manual microterracing. Calculations of the length of the terraces and the main indicators of the uncultivated surface are given. The authors patented devices for mechanized cutting of terraces. Their device facilitates the planting of seedlings and improves the conditions for their survival. The biological stage of reclamation included the planting of planting material from seedlings of a temporary nursery. The main breeds are oak and robinia pseudoacacia (white acacia). The analysis this technology is given in the article. Statistical processing of data on tree species of reclamation carried out. Based technology used has proven to be effective.
Key words: rock dump, terracing, biological reclultivation, forest plantations.
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UDC 504. 62/69
Djuvelikyan Kh. A.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State University, 394018, Russia, Voronezh, University Square, 1
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The production of mineral fertilizers is one of the popular industries. However, chemical enterprises are among the most hazardous industries. The plant OJSC "Minfertilizers" is one of the largest enterprises in this industry. It has been operating since 1979 in the Central Chernozem Region (Rossosh) of the Voronezh Region. Many negative changes in the soil, vegetation cover and the chemical composition of water have occurred during this time. Water in many sources does not meet sanitary standards for drinking. The results of a complex study of changes in soil cover, vegetation and water bodies under the influence of wastes and effluents from the mineral fertilizers plant of OJSC "Minfertilizers" are analyzed in the article. The accumulation and storage of main solid wastes (conversion chalk) led to an increase in the area of carbonate soils.
Key words: production of mineral fertilizers, wastewater, emissions of harmful substances, conversion chalk, environmental transformation.
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UDC 654.924.5
Zakhmatov V. D.
doctor of technical sciences, professor, senior researcher, Center for organization of scientific research and editorial activities, St. Petersburg university of the state fire service of the ministry of emergencies of Russia, Moskovsky prospekt, 149, St. Petersburg, Russia
Chernyshov M. V.
professor, department of plasma gas dynamics and heat engineering, faculty of rocket and space technology, BALTIC STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY «VOENMEH» named after D. F. Ustinov, Deputy Vice-Rector of Research and Innovative Development, Russia, St. Petersburg, 1-st Krasnoarmeyskaya, 1
Shcherbak N. V.
candidate of technical sciences, Lead Designer, "ZOLA" LLC, 198095, Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Promyshlennaya, d. 19, office. 301,
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Prompt and high-quality decontamination of pathogens is an extremely important measure in the event of various focal infections, and especially in a pandemic. This event is of particular relevance in the context of the global epidemic of coronavirus. Particularly acute problems arise during the decontamination of large spaces, as well as large rooms with a complex internal structure. The main disadvantage of spraying deactivating agents is their high consumption and irrational losses, insufficient penetration to hard-to-reach places. The author proposes the technology of multi-vortex spraying of disinfecting solutions with gas-microdrip squall. Which is characterized by high kinetic energy, a long radius and a large scale of effective action due to continuous uniform penetrating spraying with microdrops. The technical means for creating an effective squall and front of shock wave were created by the author in the 80-s, patented in many countries and tested in the Chernobyl zone for radiation decontamination. An analysis of the technique for spraying decontamination solutions is provided.
Key words: decontamination, decontamination efficiency, MES, multi-vortex spraying, gas-microdrip squall, multi-barrel modules, profi-sprayers.
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UDC 633.3.37:581.14
Abdushaeva Ya. M.
Novgorod State University named after of Yaroslav the Wise, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Russia, Veliky Novgorod, st. Bolshaya St. Petersburg, 41,
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Shtro O. V.
Novgorod State University named after of Yaroslav the Wise, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Russia, Veliky Novgorod, st. Bolshaya St. Petersburg, 41,
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Abstract when introduced to new climatic conditions, the conditions of existence change, and with them the rhythm of plant development. In each specific case, the acclimatization of plants and their gradual adaptation to new conditions of life. Plant resistance to adverse factors is determined by the phytocenotic properties of the species, as well as the ecological, physiological and biochemical features of the introduced species. Astragalus cicer L. seeds were selected in the Northern States of America and Canada in 2004. in the conditions of the Novgorod region, they were successfully acclimated. Morphological characteristics, biological features of growth and development of plants Astragalus cicer L., duration of interphase periods, resistance to adverse conditions of overwintering, feed and seed productivity, resistance to diseases and pests were studied.
Key words: introduction, legumes, interphase periods, unfavorable overwintering conditions, environmental factors, Astragalus cicer L.
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