Registration certificate PI № FS 77-21756 dated 30 august 2005

Theoretical journal

2020, Vol. 16, № 2 

Founded in 2005

Gets out four times per year

 C O N T E N T S

UDC 631.6:626.86


Kovalev I. V.
Djctor of agricultural sciences, Soil Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, Soil Science Faculty
Kovaleva N. O.
professor, doctor of biological sciences, Soil Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, Soil Science Faculty


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It is shown that the global functions of the Earth's soil cover can be grouped into 4 large groups according to their General biosphere and socio-economic potential: bioecological, biogeochemical, productive-destructive, and noospheric. The ecological functions of soils in human life are revealed. Along with the food function in the modern world, other functions become important: maintaining biodiversity on the planet, the planetary gene pool and storage of material for the reproduction of life, physical and mechanical, energy, circulation of elements, gas-atmospheric, hydrological, buffer, lithogenic, regulatory, destruction and disposal of waste, information, aesthetic.

Keywords: soil functions, biosphere, ecology, human.

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UDC 631.51


Kuzina E. V.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Ulyanovsk Agricultural Research Institute, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Abstract the article presents the results of research on the influence of various methods of basic soil treatment on the agrophysical parameters of leached Chernozem fertility, biological activity, accumulation of nitrate nitrogen and productive moisture resources under continuous and local placement of crop residues in the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. It was noted that when using comb-back processing, the soil density corresponded to the optimal value for the growth and development of the crops studied in the experiment. The content of water-bearing aggregates (diameter >0.25 mm) increased by 2.8–4.0–% in comparison with plowing, and microbiological activity in the arable soil layer increased by 3.8–5.3 %. Due to the mineralized bands and ridge wings, the reserves of productive moisture were increased, and better conditions were provided for the reproduction of soil fertility and nitrogen nutrition of plants. This led to an increase in the productivity of grain-pair crop rotation by 0.28–0.32 t/ha, compared with annual plowing.

Key words: soil fertility, addition density, biological activity, humus, organic matter, soil treatment, fertilizers.

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UDC 631.6.02


Berezin L. V.

Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of IASES, Omsk Agrarian University, Russia, 1 Institutskaya Ploshchad, Omsk, Omsk region, Siberian Federal District, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 Studies were conducted from 2004 to 2018 years at the same time as American scientists. The principles of the developed version of the analysis of satellite images using the midinfrared range of the solar spectrum are first described in the article. In contrast to the study of land funds by US scientists, Omsk scientists in 2008 received the first patent. While American scientists began to practically use hyperspectral imaging only in 2016 with the installation of specific spectrographs on airplanes. The first patent was obtained by analyzing serial satellite imagery, and the second by the results of its application in the practice of agrochemical land surveys using the latest earth satellites such as PLANET and Sentin el-2.

Key words: remote sensing, hyperspectral survey, infrared range of the solar spectrum.

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UDC 631.432.22:633.1;631.559


Belyuchenko I. S.
doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 Protective forest belts are created artificially in agrolandscapes in order to prevent harmful effects of climatic factors on the crop (dry winds, deterioration of the water regime, soil erosion and erosion processes, etc.). Crop yields are increasing and biodiversity in forest enclaves is increasing due to forest belts. The functional role of living organisms in the system of forest belts has been little studied. Forest belts are an important stabilizing factor in the natural environment. Agricultural techniques and methods of planting forest belts and structures depending on the topography, flow direction, snow cover and other natural and climatic factors are given in the article. The functional role of forest belts depends on the total height of tree species, the development of their root systems and crowns. Some data on the effect of different forest belts on crop yields are given. Two options for creating systems of protective forest belts depending on the slope are given. The volume of work on the creation of forest stands, taking into account the area and width, is estimated.

Key words: agrolandscapes, forest belts, functions of forest belts, agricultural technology of creating forest belts, construction of forest belts, improvement of the microclimate of forest belts and agricultural landscapes.

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UDC 63.631.416


Teuchezh A. A.
associate professor, candidate of biological sciences, Kuban state agrarian university named after I. T. Trubilin, Russia, Krasnodar, Kalinina street, 13, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 This article discusses the content of such an important element as phosphorus in the soil of forest belts and soil of agricultural fields. Our research was conducted in the period from 2011 to 2016, the Object of research was the agricultural landscape of the farm "Precepts of Ilyich" Leningrad district, on four fields which was organized by long-term monitoring of the dynamics of phosphorus in the seasons and years of vegetation while growing on these fields, alternating crops of the current rotation. In order to obtain the planned high yields of crops and prevent soil depletion, it is necessary to apply various fertilizers. The use of mineral and organic fertilizers is one of the main conditions for increasing crop yields, as well as an important link in their cultivation technologies. We conducted a comparative characteristic of such an important element as mobile phosphorus in the soils of forest belts and soils of agricultural fields of the studied economy. According to the results of the areal survey, we calculated the mass of mobile phosphorus in the soils of the studied farm. In 2011, the average content of phosphorus in the soils of the agricultural landscape 24-28 %. Phosphorus content in 2016 increased significantly by more than 4 mg/kg compared to 2011. In soil in field crop rotation phosphorus marked increase to about 4.5 mg/kg. the content of phosphorus increase also observed in soils and forests. To maintain the level of phosphorus in the soils of crop rotation and for its saturation, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers containing this element, taking into account the planned yields. Some differences in the content of mobile phosphorus in soil samples of forest belts and fields of crop rotation by polygons, in our opinion, are related to the following reasons: the second polygon is characterized by greater evenness of mesorelief, while the first polygon is cut by beams and the difference between the upper and lower points reaches 8 m. The second polygon has two gentle slight slopes to the South and North of a very large flat upper part, and for the first polygon in addition to the rugged terrain is characterized by a very clear angle to the South-West of almost the entire territory. The difference in topography makes certain differences in maintaining the concentration of mobile phosphorus in soil samples.

Key words: soils, forest strips, agricultural fields, mobile phosphorus, agricultural landscape, crop rotation. 

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 UDC 502.5


Golovastikova A. V.
candidate of agricultural sciences, Kursk Institute of cooperation, Russia, Kursk, Radischeva St., 116А, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 The results of research on the rate of overgrowth of loess-like loam of the Mikhailovsky GOK dumps in the conditions of the Central district are presented. The features and character of syngenetic succession changes on loess-like loams of different dumping times in this area are highlighted. The species composition of flora on dumps of different ages is presented. The dependence of the formation of the floral composition on the slope exposure is considered.

Key words: Mikhailovsky GOK, biologo-soil community, loess-like loam, syngenetic successions.

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UDC 579.695; 546.85; 502.55; 661.63


Mindubaev А. Z.
Budgetary-Funded Institution of Science A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Babynin E. V.
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, University St., 18. Kazan
Badeeva E. K.
Budgetary-Funded Institution of Science A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

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Microorganisms that neutralize elemental phosphorus could be assumed to possess biodegradation capabilities of a whole spectrum of phosphorus compounds. We tested this situation in practice. Since the chemistry of phosphorus is extensively diverse, the acquisition of data on the fungal metabolism of different classes of compounds is imperative. In the presented article, we describe the continuation of this work. It became clear that Aspergillus niger AM1 demonstrates the ability to utilize phosphoromolybdenum and phosphoric tungsten acid, and substituted dithiophosphate as sources of phosphorus. On the contrary, the fungus does not metabolize organic phosphinate. The NMR method demonstrated that A. niger AM1 slowly metabolizes hypophosphite resulting from the biodegradation of white phosphorus, but does not metabolize phosphite. The NMR data conforms to fungal growth dynamics with these substances in media.

Key words: detoxication, phosphorus compounds, white phosphorus, Aspergillus niger.

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UDC 633.2:631.52:581:549.67


Bekuzarova S. A.
Mountain State Agrarian University, Vladikavkaz, North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mining and Piedmont Agriculture, Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Republic of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz
Dzampaeva M. V.
Mountain State Agrarian University, Russia, Republic of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz
Dzhioev V. E.
North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mining and Piedmont Agriculture, Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Republic of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz

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 The sorption abilities of a number of crops were studied. In mountainous and foothill conditions, the content of heavy metals in leguminous and cereal plants, amaranth, safflower, mustard, and other crops was determined. To reduce the toxicity of soils, sideration methods were used, the introduction of agro ore in a mixture with organic waste of plant origin. Revealed plants – batteries, sorbing the maximum amount of heavy metals. The correlation coefficients of the maximum accumulation of HM and high leafiness of plants were determined. Using local zeolite-containing clays, it is possible to restore the fertility of contaminated soils.

Key words: soil toxicity, sideration, indicator plants, agroore, organic matter.

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UDC 628.2


Novikova O. K.
Ph. D. of technical, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department "Ecology and Energy Efficiency in the Technosphere" Establishment "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova St. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Nevzorova A. B.
Doctor of Sciences, professor, professor of the department “Ecology and energy efficiency in the technosphere” Establishment "Belarusian State University of Transport", Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova St. 34, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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The work is devoted to the assessment of water resources management in small settlements of the Republic of Belarus. On the example of the Mostovsky district of the Grodno region, the results of the assessment of the technical condition and analysis of the effectiveness of the water supply and sewage systems are given. Recommendations have been developed on the design of iron removal stations in the settlements of the region, based on a comprehensive assessment of the quality of water in water supply networks, the number of residents and prospects for increasing the population. Suggestions are given to intensify the operation of sewage systems, which reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Key words: water management, survey, water quality, water supply system, deferrization, sewage system, wastewater, treatment facilities.

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UDC 711.455


Smagin R .E.
Candidate of geographical sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opekunov A. Y.
Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Professor, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Suprunenko V. L.
Expert of the Public Chamber of Stavropol Region, Coordinating Council for the Development of Sanatorium and Tourist Complexes of Stavropol Region, Russia, Essentuki, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 The article is devoted to modern problems of environmental management in specially secured ecological-resort region of Russian Federation – Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW). The current state and dynamics of landscapes of this territory subject to anthropogenic loading impose special requirements to the system of environmental monitoring and management of the more difficult region. The complex of alternative actions for preserving of this resort group is offered.

Key words: mineral waters, mountains laccoliths, specially secured resort region, ecological capacity of landscape, Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW).

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UDC 502.55


Ahavan G. M.
combat Anthropogenic Desertification Department in Arid Regions Institute, Yazd University, Iran, Yazd, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Correspondence),
Mosina L. V.
doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Russia, Moscow, Department of Ecology, Russian State Agrarian University – Timiryazev, Moscow, St. Timiryazevskaya, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nuzhni A. U.
Russia, Moscow, Department of Ecology, Russian State Agrarian University-Timiryazev, Russia, Moscow, St. Timiryazevskaya, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Savin I. Yu.
doctor of agricultural Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Soil Institute V. V. Dokuchaeva, Russia, Moscow, Pyzhevsky per., 7, p. 2, Moscow, 119017
Korneva M. Yu.
Combat Anthropogenic Desertification Department in Arid Regions Institute, Yazd University, Iran, Yazd, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 The variation of some heavy metals on the territory of the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea and the river in Moscow and the reasons for their change by seasons have been studied. The results of analyses on the sea water, floodplain soils, as well as the cormorant bird's liver, were showed that the amount of copper, zinc and lead in the provinces of Gilan Province in the South-Western Caspian region was increased. Depending on the type of metal, their variation was in seawater for the seasons of the year, namely, the Pb content was maximum in summer time, and Cu in winter. Analysis of the liver of five year old cormorants showed a strong increase in Cu, related to younger ones, depending on the migration movement in their broader territory.

Key words: The Caspian Sea, heavy metals, cormorants, seasonal changes.

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UDC 636.39.082


Toreshova А. U.
doctorate student of Scientific-research institute of karakul sheep raising and ecology of desert, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, 47 M. Ulugbek str., Samarkand, 140103

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 In article indexes of alive mass, measurements of a body, indexes of a constitution of adult goats are re-sulted. It is positioned that goats of Kara-Kalpak are characterised by large size, long feet good develop-ment of skeleton and a thorax, concerning serotinal are ripe, well fatten under optimum conditions of feeding and the maintenance. Body mass indices were calculated for a sample of 25 individuals. All indi-cators of the exterior significantly differ in males and females within 13–38%. Local goats have a high adaptive potential to grazing and climate conditions of Karakalpakstan.
Key words: aboriginal goats, living mass, exterior ranging, constitution indexes. 

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UDC 632.7

THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF THE WHITE LEAFHOPPER Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Hemiptera, Flatidae) IN AZERBAIJAN

Nuriyeva I. A.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of Zoology under the National Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, A. Abbaszadeh St., Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, 1128, quarter 504, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rubtsova L. Y.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of Zoology under the National Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, A. Abbaszadeh St., Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku ,1128, quarter 504, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nadirova G. I.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher, Institute of Zoology under the National Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, A. Abbaszadeh St., Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, 1128, quarter 504, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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 In August 2018, in the village of Nabran (Khachmaz district, Azerbaijan), a dangerous pest Metcalfa pruinosa, new for Azerbaijan, was discovered on the Juglans regia L walnut trees. There was a massive spread of the pest in 2019 in mentioned village. In addition to walnuts, the white leafhoppers struck plants of hazelnuts, plums, potatoes, eggplant, raspberries, currants, roses, ornamental plants, etc., as well as weeds. Repeated treatment of plants with BI-58 insecticide had a short-term effect

Key words: Metcalfa pruinosa, white leafhoppers, invasive, pest, larvaе, imago, polyphage.

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